
the desert

Been home just over three months. And its been far from easy. The transition has been more difficult than either of us expected.

Tim's aunt and uncle died when we were in Sierra Leone. So immediately upon our return, Tim spent large amounts of time working through and dealing with what was left behind. Shortly after, our only car needed some work-up. We soon discovered that the new debit card that we had been waiting and waiting for was stolen from our locked mailbox?! Large amounts of money were withdrawn from our bank account and quickly spent all across town. Fortunately, the bank reimbursed us every penny. Thank God. But this caused a lot of paperwork and time for my amazing and hard-working hubby. We also moved back into our house, spending hours washing every piece of item because it had been in storage for almost three years. Oh, and painting (thanks to the help of my twin sis)!

Don't get me wrong, its been incredibly wonderful and sweet to be so close to family again! And to reconnect with friends that we have history with; that know us longer than weeks or months at a time. Yes, these are blessings. Rich blessings. I got to spend a few days with my big sis who came up from California. And my twin sis from Colorado was here for a whole month! TOTAL BLISS. And it was so much fun moving back into our house! I loved unpacking each item again and making our house into a home. Wow! We have way more than we need. And so much SPACE!! We practically live in only half our house. Thus, "the great purge of 2011." :)

Its just been hard. We expected to get jobs fairly quickly. At least I did. With nursing there's always a need, right? Not so much right now. After a couple months, we're both still unemployed. We spend most of our time searching and applying for jobs. And staying close to home so as to save on money and gas. We are together almost 100% of the time. I love my husband. But space is healthy. It has stretched us and our marriage. We are also looking for a new church. I know, another transition. We love our prior church, but it is so far away. We spent more time in the car than at church. :) We want to plug into a church more in our community. Every Sunday we go to a new one. Its exhausting. And lonely. I'm pretty sure Satan is working over-time on us. :) But don't worry, he doesn't stand a chance. :)

I guess I just feel dry. And empty. Right now I'm not where I want to be in so many ways. I'm not working. So I don't feel fulfilled in that way. I feel distant from the Lord. I can't help but wonder a lot of things. Did we hear Him right? Should we have stayed? He feels so far away right now.

I am now at a point where I can finally see pictures of Sierra Leone again. Before, I avoided it because it was too painful. So much of me wants to go back. At least there I was doing something. My heart was so full. Here, many things are so familiar. And yet others feel so foreign. My heart wonders if I am made for this. For a life that will soon consist of work, eat, and sleep again. I know there is more to this. I lived it over in Africa. How do I live it here?

I feel like the Israelites; wandering the desert, in need of direction. Waiting, and longing, for the Promised Land. Wondering if it will ever be.

For us, its a dry season right now. Just keeping it real, folks. :)

But, let me end on a positive note... God IS faithful! He has made that one very clear to us in this season we are walking. He continues to provide for us daily. From the almost-free-to-us 2nd vehicle, to the unexpected money coming our way; from the extra time with family and friends, to the temporary job the Lord just provided my husband.

God IS still GOOD in the desert. All the time.


lindsay said...

oh Hannah my heart just aches for you and Tim. Praying that the Lord would continue to guide your steps and bless your trust & obedience. Big, bigs hugs to you both.

Julie said...

I can only imagine how hard it is to be back in the land of plenty. Where our every breath, every morsel of food, and precious life is taken for granted. We are so blessed!!

Thank you so much for your blog. I have enjoyed following your experiences in Africa. Many times the tears flowed just seeing God's children receiving "new life".

May you feel God's presence in this desert time as He journeys you to your next oasis.


Amanda said...

Love your vulnerability and openness in this post. It was so hard to transition back to the States after I was in Africa for only 10 days... I can only IMAGINE what you guys are going through. You're right, Satan will be working overtime on you because he knows this is prime time for him to get his foot in. What he might not realize is that you're on to him.. and you've got the Big Man on your side.... and that means a win every single time - even if it's a tough one! Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Tim and Hannah, you guys are amazing and i know He will lead you through this time. May i walk with you in prayer through this dry place?

Sandra's Latest... said...

Thinking of you!!!!!!!

Wish we could hang out, watch a movie, drink wine and eat chocolate right about now.

It's never easy. No matter where we are. God will make His ways clear. Don't you worry.

Praying for you!


Jess said...

I have dreamed of becoming a nurse and going on a mercy ship to Africa my whole life. I think God hasn't let me go yet because He knows i'll never want to come back. I hope you start to adjust better!when I saw the title of this post it made me think of this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlgUUeQh0CQ I'm praying for you!
may God bless your day

Deniece Ingram said...

Have spent most of the morning just reading your blog(s) and wanted to say that you articulated so clearly what I felt (and still feel sometimes) when we came "home" from Africa. Your expression in writing is a true gift from God and I'm so pleased that you share it with us. :) Love and miss you!