
in His arms

Our sweet little baby has gone home to Jesus today. 

You were like an angel whose short little life touched so many, oh how we loved you so! 

May God be glorified through your death, Huber-guber...

Thank you, thank you for all of your prayers and encouragement! God is not done yet... seeds have been planted in the hearts of his mama & papa, please join us in praying for their salvation.


Abdillas said...

Oh Hawna I'm so so sorry. I'm praying for the staff and for his parents...I can't imagine their pain. He is breathing perfect now in the arms of Jesus. You will get to hold him again in Heaven...

Heidi said...

Hannah, I'm so sorry to hear about this. There's not really anything one can say to ease grief except to reiterate what you already know. But imagine this....Huber Guber running into your arms while God our Father smiles at you in heaven. He knew your astounding love for him, and that is evidenced in the photos. Ah, Hannah. I weep with you.

Crystal said...

So sorry to hear of the death of this sweet baby boy. May God heal your hearts and may he be glorified in his life and death. Praying for his Mama and Papa~