
visit home *Blessed*

I thought I'd take advantage of the extra time I have now that we are sailing the wide open seas and finally sit down to post about our visit home... :)

As I reflect upon our time, can I just say that Tim and I are extremely BLESSED!!! Looking back I am SOOO glad we made the decision to go home. God knows what we need long before we do, and the trip home was just that for us. :) I thank God for the people He has put in our lives who have encouraged us, mentored us, challenged us, LOVED us, prayed for us, and seriously the list goes on...

We were both so overwhelmed by the love poured out on us by others while we were home and the generosity of so many! We are humbled.

Thank you for taking the time out of your lives to let us share with you the last year and a half and what God has been doing in our lives.

Thank you for speaking into our lives.

Thank you for all the sweet memories we created together.

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