
final moments

In keeping with the tradition we started last year in Benin, my friends (Allison, Becca, Hazel) and I spent our last day in Togo walking the streets for one last time... taking in all the sights, smells (hard not to) :), sounds, colors, vendors, and, inevitably, the dust that soon fills our shoes and covers our faces from walking along its dirt roads.

First stop, the fishing village.

This "beach" village sits alongside the water's edge on the other side of the port. These people fish to feed their families and their community. To survive. I, alongside many of the crew, have come to know this village through their church. Many of us attended at one time or another throughout the outreach. My amazing friend, Becca, taught community health education twice a week to the mommas in the church. She did this on her own time and initiative, on her days off too. She came up with her own lessons and materials. That girl inspires me!:)

When we entered the village, and even before, we had children following us and running up to us. My heart just melts by their curiosity and accepting and trusting spirits. We spent most of our morning here under the overlay of the church, praying for the people of this village and playing with the kiddos. Did I mention how much I love them? They are joy givers, these precious ones.

The heart of Togo.

Next stop, the beach at Crystal Plage for a soda and view of the ocean. Check out our nifty creation in the sand :) ... our deepest sentiment as we leave.

And lastly, our outing wouldn't be complete without the purchase of Fanmilk (frozen chocolate milk in a bag)! It is delish! Not to mention, refreshing in the middle of the day. I didn't capture this one on camera, so you'll just have to trust me on this. :)

This photo captures the day so well.

And this one.

And lastly, my personal fave.



becca banana said...

Hi Hannah!
So good to see your adventures and ministries. I visited your blog a while back when you first started the Mercy ministry and it is neat to see all the beautiful faces you encounter.
I am doing so well. It is a busy wonderful challenging thing being a mom of two and God is really blessing Jacob and I.
Have a wonderful day!!!
Love, Becca

Anonymous said...

Precious moments for sure. God Bless you for leaving this country with prayer and incredible memories.

Kathy in Bend

abdillas said...

The last pic is my fave too!