
did you know?

Every 12 seconds someone dies of Malaria!!

Every 30 seconds a CHILD IN AFRICA dies of Malaria!!

It gets even worse...Malaria is PREVENTABLE!  But due to the poverty of most of Africa, they do not have the necessary equipment, medications, and education.

Malaria can be prevented by teaching & education, training of health care workers, necessary equipment such as bed nets and special spray for homes and other places, and preventitive medications.  

There are several operating organizations that work to provide aid and other services towards malaria prevention in Africa: 

Rollback Malaria (rbm.who.int/), the American Red Cross, the United Nations (unfoundation.org), and World Vision (worldvision.org).  Much of the setbacks are due to lack of funds and lack of interest from the Western world because we are not directly affected.  Each one of these organizations accepts donations.  Apathy is the world's greatest disease and number one killer!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

AMEN!!!! Timmy had malaria when we came to bring him home to the U.S. We know look back and realize he had not less than four things that kill African children and children around the globe commonly. It is amazing how Coke can get to almost any village in the Bush, but Malaria meds and mosquito netting are not there. We must work harder to help the eradicate Malaria!!!!!Love you Guys~