
30+ things...

Making a list of random things about yourself is going around Facebook. A friend of mine had the great idea of making a list of 25 things she loved about her husband. My sister recently did this as well, so I was further inspired to do the same.  I am reminded of the gift God has given me in my husband!  I am so proud to be Tim's wife.  I encourage everyone to do this...
(This was fun to do again…the first time I did this was when Tim and I were dating, and I was falling-in-love with him for the very first time…I came up with a list of 68 back then ☺ Like before, I had trouble narrowing it down--hence 35 things rather than 25 ☺).


1. Among the first things that drew me to Tim, was his love for life & his easy-going personality. He always finds the humor in things. His upbeat and positive attitude is contagious!

2. I fell-in-love with his sense of humor. He just makes me laugh. He always has a wise crack to share or his cute giggle. The best part of it is, he always has a way of making me laugh when I’m uptight about something, stressed, or making a ridiculous deal about something (I tend to do that sometimes☺).

3. He pursued me…and still does.

4. He tells me I’m beautiful every day.

5. He is seriously the most selfless person I know!! He would rather give up what he wants, so that I am happy. He finds more joy in giving than receiving, and challenges me to give more.

6. I enjoy watching him serve others because he finds such joy in it.

7. He believes in me and my abilities.

8. He understands me like no one else does and knows just what I need…he seems to know just what I need to hear too, especially in difficult situations.

9. He knows all my weaknesses and flaws…and still loves me.

10. He still whistles at me when I walk by ☺

11. I love how social he is with others, yet if asked, he’d most likely say he’s a homebody.

12. He is my steady rock in so many ways.

13. He likes it when I read to him.

14. I love to listen to him pray.

15. He loves my twin.

16. I love to watch him tell a story. He is so animated and can make anything sound so exciting and interesting.

17. He is so honest in everything he does. He wants to do everything right. I admire his integrity.

18. We share our love for our Lord.

19. He gave up his dream job to follow God’s leading, even though he had no idea what that was--the most difficult decision he’s ever made.

20. Even though he doesn’t fully understand my twin-ship, he knows my need for her and doesn’t hold me back.

21. He rubs my feet when they are sore.

22. I smile just thinking about him being a dad to our children someday.

23. Our thought-patterns are different and we often have differing perspectives. I see things different with him and its refreshing most of the time ☺

24. I love how I’m completely engulfed in him when we hug.

25. I love how intuitive he is and “in-tune” to others.  He has an unusual ability to read most people.

26. When we walk together, he always walks on the outside (nearest the street).

27. He loves to surprise me!

28. I admire his bravery and courage. He so willingly fought in war so that others can know freedom...God bless our troops! I am soooo thankful that he came home to me! 

29. He values my opinion and always asks what I think.

30. He knows so many different things, I am continually amazed at the things he knows.

31.  His recorded voice mail on his cell phone says that he loves me.

32. I appreciate his masculinity and love his tender heart.

33.  We fell in-love over letters..35+

34. He is my first and only kiss!

35. Every day I grow in my respect for him.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

How sweet and special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a neat idea : )