

We just returned home from our weekend in Bend. We spent lots of needed and valuable time relaxing, resting, and catching up with family. The highlight of the weekend, though, was the time spent with our church family. On sunday we had the opportunity to be their speaker and present our ministry to the whole congregation! Despite our feelings of inadequacy, God gave us the words to say and it all came together. They embraced us. We left overwhelmed by their excitement for us! We could see it...and we could genuinely feel their love. I don't know how to explain the experience, other than it felt like we were admist God's family in the way He has always intended it to be. This church lives out their call to love...to embrace others like He does. We went expecting to challenge them; we left with a lesson in love and generosity.


Abdillas said...


Cherished Children said...

May He be glorified through you!

Heidi said...

Ah, yes, I know that feeling! Praise God you could experience it as you prepare to go on His mission.