
S.L. Prayer Requests

In just a few short hours, we will be flying to Sierra Leone! We need, depend, and value your prayers for our success with this great task ahead of us. For all you prayer warriors, we would like to share with you our prayer needs over the next four months...

1. Safe arrival to Freetown, S.L.
2. Release of the containers with our needed supplies
3. Open doors
4. The right contacts in all areas to liaise with who are willing, eager, and honest.
5. Good relationships with local systems
6. Communication will be clear and smooth, speaking in truth and love.
7. Health (protection against malaria, food/water diseases, etc.)
8. Protection
9. Unity and teamwork among our team of four
10. Completion of the ship's projects
11. Timely arrival of the Africa Mercy
12. Renters for our home in the states

Thank you... Merci beaucoup... or Tank-ee, as we will soon say in S.L :)

P.S. I will blog updates once we have internet access. I don't know how consistent our internet will be over the next few months, so blogging will depend on our connection. Keep checking in, though, for updates and prayer needs! :)

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