

After 2.5 days of traveling, we are HOME!! It is so surreal, we are taking it all in...

The first thing I noticed as I stepped out of the airport and onto American soil was the air. The smell. It was fresh and clean. I could smell "summer." You see Africa doesn't have seasons. We are enjoying the sweet presence of family and friends. And gawking over the VERY FAST internet! :-) What a luxury! We are also eating all the fruit we can get our hands on, like berries and orange oranges :-) Our first night home I couldn't get over the fact that it was after 9pm and it was still light out! I'm lovin' it. We also are still trying to get used to how QUIET it is around the house. Without the sound of the ship's engine alarms, motors, and a/c, I swear I would be able to hear a pin drop in our bedroom. And where are all the people??! :-)

I won't be posting as regularly during our visit home, but will resume when we return to the ship in a few weeks. Stop by again then!


Anonymous said...

Welcome home to a beautiful Central Oregon Summer.

lindsay said...

so glad you are both home safely! I hope you enjoy every minute of it, and the novelty of not being on the ship and in Africa. :)

see you when you get back!

tati said...

hope that you guys are enjoying your time back home!! i am sure that you guys are soaking it in all, especially in preparation of coming back.
hannah, i am still missing you in the pharmacy. And tim - it's obvious that your presence on the dock is absent.

Amanda said...

I just stumbled upon your blog when I was looking for the words to an African song. I just returned from Ghana and I'm intrigued and looking forward to following you on your journey!