

Welcome to my very first giveaway!! 

I've been familiar with blog giveaways for a long time now, but just recently inspired to do my own from my friend Ali.

The "cool" blogs always have giveaways. :-)  Well, now I've found something to give away! But this is not just for giveaway sake. I'm doing this for all of you, my loyal blog readers. For all those who have faithfully followed our journey with Mercy Ships in Africa over this last year and a half, and now this next year ahead. I want to "thank-you" for all the encouraging words, comments, and emails, and for all those prayers that have been lifted up on our behalf. Some of you, I don't even know! 

You are a blessing to us.

So, for the giveaway... I have a beautifully hand-made, hand-blown silver "Africa" necklace found at the local artisan/craft market. I love this necklace because it is simply unique and intricate. 

To "enter," please leave a brief comment of your experience with Africa... such as study, sponsorship, travel, adoption, missions, supporting a missionary, dream to go, etc. It can be anything! I just want to hear how Africa has touched your life. 

I will have the computer randomly select the winner next Monday, and then I'll mail it out when we are home for a visit in just a few short days!  One week... enjoy!! :-)


Anonymous said...

Here is my "entry". Africa has touched my life through two very special friends - Marian who lived in Ghana for many, many years and has shared Ghanain (SP?) friends and so many wonderful stories of the culture there; and Belinda, a native born South African who emigrated to the US with 11 FIV positive cats and a few years ago adopted a cat from my neighborhood who was FIV positive. I have grown to love her and her stories of growing up in that very volatile culture. We laugh and laugh and cry and cry and I love these two women so much. They have deeply touched my life in so many generous ways.

Kathy Poncy

Robyn said...

We sponser a boy named Erickson in Kenya, Africa through Compassion International. He's been our kiddo before our kids even came along! We always enjoy receiving his letters and hearing about his life.

We've also interacted a great deal with missionaries who have been to Africa (including you two!) and shared their adventures.

Anonymous said...

Ryder likes to have me hold him with your web site up on the computer and listen to the song on your web page.

How has Africa touched me? Through you I am able to touch Africa. Something I never thought I could do or even thought about doing. Africa was just another country to me until you went there. Reading your blog and seeing the photos has opened me up to a different existence that I new was out there but did not want to see. Now I see it, hurt when you hurt and rejoice knowing I was able to help you help others. Even if only 1 person learns about Jesus, that is one person more than before you got there. I am so lucky to be able to help with God's mission for you.

Unknown said...

Hannah and Tim:
Thanks for being a friend to my Allison on board the Africa Mercy. I have enjoyed your blog over the last 18 months as another insight into what goes on on this wonderful hospital ship.
I am glad the Africa Mercy blockbuster was open last Sunday when you needed a movie! Have a restful visit home during July.

Marilyn Anable said...

Hey Hannah and TIm,
My only experience with Africa has been what I learned in Social Studies in grade school and through missionary friends over the years. Many times over the years I have foolishly said "I will never do (such and such)"......and one of those NEVERS was going to Africa. Well, God has a tremendous sense of humor and allows us to transform our desires into His desires. I can honestly say that every "never" I ever said has come true with the exception of "I will never go to Africa". While it is still true that I have not yet been there, I am at a point in my life that if God asked me to go I would do so willingly, as an act of obedience. We feel blessed knowing a part of us is in Africa through your personal time and ministry there, and our prayer support has been with the both of you as you serve there. Thank you for serving our great God in the land of Africa : )
-Marilyn Anable (and Steve too!)

Anonymous said...

Africa: The place that I pray for you and Tim several times a day-that you will be a blessing to everyone you encounter.
Africa: Where Carol Wood ministers in Kenya, and the Kopp's previously in South Africa.
Africa: Where "our" OB doctor was from, Nigeria, that we had the privilege of sharing Christ with during my traumatic pregnancy with you and Naomi
Africa: Where I am thankful my daughter and husband are, serving in God's will, rather than to have them be close by and not in His will.
Africa: As close to God's heart as America is--He died for all