
God of miracles

Its my week on-call.

Last night I woke to my pager beeping. I called down to the ward to see what was going on. They wanted to let me know the baby that was having trouble breathing earlier that evening was soon to be intubated. The team was there and getting ready. Everything was under control so I did not go down.

I was quite surprised, then, to return in the morning and learn that he was not in fact intubated after all...

"It was a miracle!" they said.

The anesthetist and surgeon were all ready to intubate, with drugs and instruments in hand, when the surgeon paused to pray. Immediately his sats popped back up and he no longer worked so hard to breathe. The distress was gone! The C-pap machine that he required earlier was no longer even necessary. His PICU nurse said in all her years of nursing, she has never seen anything like this. When its time to intubate, you intubate!

That, my friends, is the awesome power of prayer!!

Praise God.

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