
feeling the miles

One of the toughest things about living halfway across the world is missing the big "life events" in our friends and family.

Like when your best friend has a baby.

For the last five years of our marriage, and even before, we have made a point to visit our close friends and their new baby either in the hospital or just days after birth. Its just been something especially important to us, and something we wanted to witness and be a part of with our friends.

Two years... I knew it was inevitable even before we left. I knew in my head it would eventually happen.

Now its come. Twice actually.

The first time was in August when my very close friend, Danielle, had her baby boy. We met four years ago through a young marrieds group at church. She is a very dear friend who is one of the most thoughtful and generous people I know. She was only a couple months pregnant before we left. I of course was ecstatic, yet a part of me was also selfishly aware it meant that I would miss her having her baby, miss meeting him just days into this world, and missing the first year of his life. I missed her becoming a mom for the first time.

I just LOVE that smile!!

The second happened only just days ago, which also inspired this post. Tim's best friend since grade school just became a dad. They go way back... roommates, groomsmen in each other's weddings. We got the call last February with the exciting news. Again, it hit home for us that we were far away. Since we're presently on vacation and traveling around, we don't have phone connection. So we anxiously checked their blog daily (sometimes more than once :) to find out if Becky had delivered yet. We were eager to finally "meet" the little guy. Those two are the kind-of couple where parenting seems so befitting, simply natural.

Our absence is not as hard as I expected. In a way I do feel a little homesick. I want to make a meal for them and send it over, to visit and just watch them be parents, or take the baby for the evening so they can go out. But, my heart is so happy for our friends more than anything! I'm so excited for this new chapter in their lives. Oh I'm sad to not play a more active role in it right now, but we share in their joy. Unlike missionaries back in the day, we have phone, internet, and email to stay connected and up to date. Thanks to modern technology :)

I just want to SQUEEZE him!!

To little Ryder (since I know you read this blog with your Mom :) and to tiny Samuel (Happy Birthday, we share the same birth month too :), you are blessed with such special parents! "Auntie" Hannah and "Uncle" Tim are praying for you and look forward to kissing your sweet cheeks when we come home!

Someone in Africa loves you!! :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for such a wonderful message. We look forward to your
1st visit with Ryder. He is growing so fast. He will be walking by the time you see him. We miss you and pray for you daily.
Steven and Danielle

Abdillas said...

I know what that feels like. ;-) It's only for a season and then it will soon be like you never left.

Abdillas said...

Oh I forgot to say...I can't believe Andy is a dad! That is so exciting! I can imagine how hard that must be for both of you to not have met their little guy when he was born and see his first years.

Eilean said...

Alexanders, I don't know you personally, but have been reading your blog for quite some time now. I heard about it from John and Nancy. My family and I are in the (LONG) process of adopting twins from Liberia. They should be here soon (hopefully). Your blog is very well written and filled with holiness. It is inspiring and I enjoy reading it. Hannah, I think we could be friends if we lived in the same area:-) Thank goodness the globe is filled with all kinds of people. Your efforts and reflections make the world that much more wonderful. Thank you!

alexanders said...


Thanks so much for introducing yourself! I am so pleased you did, I would love to get your email address so we can stay in touch! Your words are so encouraging. Whose to say we can't be friends over the email and blog world? :) I'll try to get your info through my mom-in-law too :) Thanks for sharing about your twins from Liberia, I am an identical twin. :) I will now pray for them and the process to bring them home to their family.

Love, Hannah