
world AIDS day

December 1st is World's AIDS/HIV day... being that this evil virus is all too widespread among this continent of Africa, I thought I'd mention the day.

The Good: Its preventable (in most cases)!!

The Bad: Over one million Americans are estimated to be living with HIV.  Worldwide an estimated 33 million are living with HIV.

The Ugly: Its deadly, and here in Africa it far too often unnecessarily leaves children as orphans.

Other than the most obvious ways to take action, like avoid high-risk behaviors and practice safe methods of prevention, I liked what the US Department of Health and Human Services' website also suggests:

-Talk about HIV prevention with friends, family, and colleagues
-Provide support to people living with HIV/AIDS

Yes, I think there is plenty of room for support... like less judgment... and more love... and acceptance... 

I know I could give more.

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