
If there is one thing God has reminded me over the last few weeks, its how fragile and short my life is. Our days are indeed numbered. Knowing this, I want to live each day loving, giving, and encouraging others and those that my heart holds dear. But, also believing and trusting my sovereign God, that He holds all things in His loving hands and has a purpose for everything under heaven. 

I say all this because over the last few weeks the crew has been pretty shaken over some tragic events... one of our day volunteers that I work with on the ward was killed in a motor bike accident. He is survived by a wife and two small daughters. Another day volunteer was brutally attacked one night and had to have surgery on an injured arm. Three of our crew were pretty sick with malaria and had to be taken care of by our staff in the hospital. Thankfully none of them got cerebral malaria and are well recovered now. And lastly, another crew member was badly hit by a motorbike when running. 

Oh, how I think we all should take the moments in our days to express our love... give out more hugs... be more patient with the long line at the teller or grocery store... sing instead of curse when stuck in traffic... be thankful & content... give... laugh... smile... the list goes on...

May we loosen our grip on "the things" in the day to day and hold tighter to the people... those whom we love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reminder! I needed that!