
the women of B ward

These last few weeks I've been caring for the women recovering from one or more bladder/vaginal fistulas (VVF) caused by prolonged and obstructive labor (prevalent in countries where there is lack of proper medical care).  For many of these women they have lived years in lonely isolation because their fistula leaves them constantly leaking, dripping urine. For many, their husbands have left them, family has disowned them, and friends will no longer call upon them. They can't even sit on public seating and are turned away from public transportation! They feel so ashamed. 

But, when they come to the ship they receive love and attention. Here, they are accepted. They share a ward with other women who have gone through the same struggles and understand their pain. They form a strong bond, laughing together and helping one another. For some, its the first time they've been touched in years. I just can't imagine that. They can't believe we willingly clean them and change their soiled linen. One patient told us we cared for her like her own mother would. She was so moved by such love and compassion.

These women are special. 
Like me and you, they bear Christ's image. And they are beautiful.

Its been fun caring for them. We may not understand each other's language, but we laugh together. As women, there is a mutual understanding that transcends language, color, and culture. 

This is Agoth. She is a very petite lady in her early twenties who became pregnant at the very young age of 15, still a child herself. After enduring long hours of painful labor, her small frame gave birth to a stillborn baby. All that suffering and no baby at the end. She has been incontinent for almost 10 years!! She is still such a child in some ways. She and I connected. She would always reach for my hand when I walked by or give me a scowling face in a teasing way. And her face lit up every time I came on shift. She can sure knit too!

I love these ladies. 

1 comment:

Crystal said...

What a great observation about women sharing things that transcend race, culture and even language. I agree, it is amazing to connect with other women and love them as Christ loves them!!!!! I wish I could see you there, I bet you are truly in "your element", Hannah. You share Christ's love gently with grace. You are the perfect nurse : ) Miss you~