
you know you're in Texas when...

1. your legs and feet are covered with mosquito bites and fire ant bites
2. meat is served at lunch and dinner every day
3. you are referred to as "y'all"
4. you are passed by a pick-up truck that has a cow bell hanging off the back.
5. the texas state flag is flying at the same level as the American flag (and its ok).
6. there is Texan pride among the people, like its a separate country.
7. the country roads don't have names, just a bunch of numbers.
8. it's October and air-conditioning is still a must.
9. everybody greets you (literally)
10. there are churches specifically for cowboys ("the cowboy church").
11. its not what you know, but who you know.
12. you see the sun every day for at least two weeks (this is a big deal when you live in Portland, OR) :) :)


Abdillas said...

All I can say is "wow." :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim and Hannah,

I am a First Baptist family member and have know John and Nancy since1986 (about). New to your blog, I am looking forward to following and praying daily.

I was served on the Anastasis as an RN many, many years ago. So Welcome Aboard and God Bless.

Back atcha soon,
Kathy Bend,OR