
our "pad!"

we just found out that the ship will have housing for us in January for the next two years!! we are so pleased and relieved!! couple housing is a commodity and can sometimes be quite the process to reserve due to high demand.

once again, God's hand at work!


Tyrone said...

Hey! Check it out...go to this link:
http://www.operatieafrika.nl/wordpress/?p=45 then scroll to the end of the post and click on the slideshow and you can see bigger pictures of a singles cabin.

My external hard drive crashed (probably because it fell to the floor in a tangle with some other wires) so I could not post my pictures of a room, I actually had video of an empty cabin, but now its gone! (SIGH)

But the link is to a Dutch Blog from a couple that is currently on the ship...

So take a look at their cabin pics!

Tyrone said...

Oh, excuse me...couples cabin.

Crystal said...

YAHOO!!! I am so excited for you!!!! Praying for you : ) Love, Crystal and The Bunch

simplykersh said...

Awesome news, glad you two get to stay together on the ship ;-)

Btw, I absolutly jumped when we got your letter about going on Mercy ships. I knew you were made for great things Tim. i just didn't want to push, so I prayed.

I am curently looking for a new job so that we can give some support...We're pretty lean now, but God will provide for you, and if necessary through us.

hope and Joy