
true love

Today's daily Bible verse on the flipbook in our bathroom reads:
"Be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us." Ephesians 5:1-2
So I was thinking what it means to truly imitate Christ...good ol' Webster defines the word imitator as:

1. Someone who assumes the appearance of another.

2. Someone who copies the words or behavior of another.

What would, or more like, should my life look like if I emulate Christ? He was Love in the flesh. Would another look at me and see Christ...see Love in my words, my countenance, my responses, and more importantly in my action? Would I have the appearance of my creator God? And what does it mean to imitate or copy my Lord? I imagine I would be less selfish, give more, think more before I speak, freely love and freely forgive, and ultimately sacrifice "me." In a culture that screams individuality and diversity, He is One I definitely want to imitate...and follow.
